They say hello.
When they say hello, I say hello.
Although they say hello, I say nothing.
Because they say hello, I say hello.
Whether they say hello or not, I say nothing.
Until they say hello, I say nothing.
If they say hello, I say hello too.
While they say hello, I say nothing.
Since they said hello, I have said a lot more.
Unless they say hello, I say nothing.
As soon as they say hello, I say hello too.
No matter how they say hello, I say nothing.
Sometimes, a marker changes the common clause into a new
subject and then there comes a new sentence.
That they say hello surprises me.
How they say hello doesn’t bother me.
How often they say hello is not important.
Why they say hello is not known.
That I always apply the sentence “they say hello” is strange.
She says hello to me. She likes me.
That she says hello to me means that she likes me.
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