Tuesday, June 4, 2013


HOW TO GET ON CNN STUDENT NEWS- WH- structure- (Noun structure)

SHARK ATTACKS- more to think

The most important thing  that we need to know about shark attacks is that they are so incredibly rare, that sharks should not be feared.
                            CNN STUDENT NEWS- May 31
The most realistic thing  that we need to know about speaking is that we are so rarely practise, that our spoken English should be most cared for.
                            My application Jun 4

Sunday, June 2, 2013


My own situation
was that I was away from home for a better thing and I was supposed to get out of the rental room
and  I had expected to be able to teach at my own place which  I am always interested in  
but   my room I looked for was too small
and   I ended up getting into the landlady’s heart who later on was silently deeply in love with me until one day my wife found out the affair.
Anyway, I‘ll do my best to have it unchanged in my mind by the next time we m

Saturday, June 1, 2013



                                        GRAMMAR 15


* Hello                          means        tieng chao in Vietnamese.
* To say hello               means                 chao in Vietnamese.
* Saying hello               means         viec chao in Vietnamese.  
     * How to say hello        means    how to greet someone.
     * Who says hello           means    Ai chao vay.”
     * Who    says hello?
     * The song “Hello”       means   a lot to me.
     * To pronounce “hello” seems  to be a simple stuff.
     * There are                 billions of people  saying “hello.”
     * Those who say hello are friendly people.
     *  From the room          comes “ hello.”
     *  They say hello.
     * That they say hello   means    that they are friendly.
     * It’s good     to say hello  = To say hello is good.


     * Chao in Vietnamese                     means                  hello.
     * Chao in Vietnamese                     means      to say   hello.
     *”Viec chao hoi”  in VNese            means      saying hello.
     *  I             teach                                        how to say hello.
     *  I             like                                             who says hello.
     *  I             sing                                           the song “Hello”.
     * A simple stuff            seems to be    to pronounce “hello”.
     * Billions of people saying  hello     are   there.
     * Friendly people are those who say hello.
     * “Hello” comes from the room.
     * I teach them that they should say hello.
     * I teach them.

3. Complement:

     * Subject identifier:
            They are who say hello.
* Subject modifier:
       They are friendly.
* Object identifier:
       I meet them who say hello.
* Object modifier:
       I make them friendly.

     4. Noun structure:

          * As objects:

                              They know how to say hello.
                              They know about that.
                              They know the meaning of saying hello.
                              They know why they say hello.
                              They want  to say hello.
*As complements:

                   I tell  them   how to say hello.
                   I tell  them   about that.
                   I tell them    the meaning of saying hello.
                   I tell them    why they say hello.
                   I tell them    to say hello.
       5. Adjective:

           They         to say hello         want to be friendly.
           They        saying hello         want to be friendly.
           They     who say hello         want to be friendly.
   I like them    whose saying hello is nice.  
   Their way    of saying hello         means a lot to me.
    They are     good.

       6. Adverb:

            They say hello        to say.
            They say hello        politely.
            They say hello        because they are polite.
            They say hello        as politely as I want to hear.
            They say hello        when they are polite.
            They say hello that politely.

       7. P. Group (Prepositional phrase):

  * To tell the time:
             They say it    for a long time.
 * To tell the space:
            They say it     up stairs.
 * To tell the direction:
            They say it     into the microphone.
 * To tell the mood:
            They say it     without inspiration.
 * To tell the manner:
                       They say it     for fun.
 * To tell the opposition:
            They say it     in stead of smiling.

        8. ING- Group:

  * Introduction:
            Stepping forward, they say hello.
  * Functioning as adjective:
            They like anyone saying hello.
  * The second verb in a sentence:
            They drink a lot saying hello all the time.
  * Subject:
             Saying hello means saying ”Chao” in Vietnamese.
  * Object:
             Saying Chao in Vietnamese means saying hello.
  * Do+the+ING :
             They do the saying hello.
  * Adjective:
             They learn a saying hello lesson.
  * With be – continuous tense:
             They will be saying hello.

       9. To Group :

  * Subject:
              To say hello is easy.
  * Object:
              They look for “to say hello”.
  * Adverb:
              They come to say hello.
  * Object complement:
              They want me to say hello.

    10. ED- Group:

  * Introduction:
              Married to an American, She speaks well.
              (She speaks well because she has an American husband.)
  * Adjective:
              I teach a woman married to an American.
  * Subject-like:
              Attached is a file of my CV.
  * Have thing ED- group:
              I have a file of my CV attached. 
  * Be +ED group: (passive voice)
              My CV will be attached.
  * Have + ED group: (present perfect)  
              They have attached my file.

     11. Sub-ordinate Clause (Cau phu):

        It is a common clause with a marker in the beginning.
                        They say hello.
               When they say hello, I say hello.
         Although they say hello, I say nothing.
           Because they say hello, I say hello.
          Whether they say hello or not, I say nothing.
                 Until they say hello, I say nothing.
                       If they say hello, I say hello too.
                While they say hello, I say nothing.
                Since they said hello, I have said a lot more.
               Unless they say hello, I say nothing.
        As soon as they say hello, I say hello too.
  No matter how they say hello, I say nothing.

               Sometimes a marker changes the common clause into a new
               subject and then there comes a new sentence.
                             That they say hello surprises me.
                            How they say hello  doesn’t bother me.
                   How often they say hello is not important.
                            Why they say hello is not known.

      12. Verb tense:

                  We put WILL, HAVE ..+ ED  and BE..ING to tell the time

                * They will                   say hello.
                * They will          be     saying hello          as I say it.
                * They will have          said hello          until I say it.
                * They will have been saying hello          as I say it.
                * They        have been saying hello     since I said it.
                * They        have          said hello         since I said it.
                * They        had   been saying hello          as I said it.
                * They        had            said hello          then I said it.
                * They                           said hello.
                * They                 are    saying hello.
                * They                were  saying hello    when I said it.
                * They                          say      hello.
      13. If Clause:   

                * If they say hello,         I            say hello.    – 100%
                * If they say hello,         I will    say hello.   – 85%
                * If they said hello,        I would say hello.   -5%
                * If they had said hello, I would have said hello.- 0%  
      14. Direct- indirect speech:

                 There are 2 ways to tell about one event.
      *She says sorry.
   She says that she is sorry (that she feels sorry).

 *She said to me    “I love you”
   She said to me that she loved me.

 *She declared      “I will do it”
   She declared she would do it.

 *She asks him “Do you love me?”
   She asks him  if he loves her.

      15. Seven modifiers:

                 In stead of using 7 different sentences to describe something, here  
                 is such a short way, isn’t it?

                 * I find something to eat
                                               for dinner
                               colorful and easily digested
                               to my Mom for making her healthy
                               made in China
                               which I can afford.

                                                       HCMC Aug 24, 08
                                                    Luong Ngoc Thanh, B.A
                                                                                Teacher & translator